Wednesday, March 21, 2018


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the issue of the Austin bombing, the authorities in published reports have concluded that a new level of sophistication was present in the bombing which injured two boys in a middle class residential neighborhood. What though does that mean?

In the above photo forensic science can glean a number of  clues.

It was said to be dark, but a street light is there which should have illuminated the bomb. The bomb was not hidden, as in dug into the ground, as there is not a blast crater.
We know from the above photo that this was an accellerant device which burned, as the charring of the grass reveals a high heat with residue, but only in a small area of 3 square feet.

We know from a grandparent that more details have emerged. There was a wire according to the boys.  Law enforcement though indicates it was fishing wire. What is of interest in this, is there was not a typical anchoring post as the lamp post to anchor the wire to. This would point to a peg of some type in the ground, elevating the wire to be tripped by a foot, and a second anchoring device for the bomb, in order to hold it into place for the detonator to be activated.

This is not sophistication. It is a simply awareness of physics and cause and effect. This bomb site though required construction. Not that this would have required more than 45 seconds to complete, but it points to efficiency to details and awareness of surroundings.
It would be concluded that this site was chosen by the person of interest driving in this neighborhood after dark to find shadow locations, a close parking spot in order to enter the area and retreat, and human traffic was witnessed on this sidewalk after dark, so a detonation would occur.

The sophistication part comes later.

While authorities have not yet identified the  victims of Sunday's explosion, William Grote said his grandson was one of the two people hurt in the blast.
"Well he and his friend were riding a bicycle about a block from their house and one of them was off the curb right in the street. The other one was on the sidewalk walking and it was so dark they couldn't tell and they tripped and set off this explosion, didn't see it," he told the AP. "It was a wire and it blew up "
Grote said the blast knocked "them both off their feet" and  left  them "bleeding  profusely."

In the below enhanced photo, the sophistication is in the bomb blast direction as noted by the police markers. This was not a massive bomb, meaning  the yellow tags are probably shrapnel, meaning nails, and they traveled no further than 15 feet.
It is the direction though, in this device was a Claymore anti personnel type device, in it was created specifically to fire it's projectiles in a specific direction.
The children being knocked down is not deemed of great consequence as any large firework would produce a like concussion and recoil from  the human. It simply means this was loud, not that it was large. To explain this, this bomb was directional, but we know the nails penetrated and were sticking out below the knee. Meaning this bomb appears unlike the others, in it was not designed to kill, but only injure as the shrapnel were moving approximately under 300 feet per second, and decelerated quickly to zero feet per second.

I will not post in the workings of a directional explosive as that is unnecessary to provide that information, but it is not something one needs Stephen Hawking diplomas for either. So in forensic psychology, this should not be termed sophistication, but more an ability of a rudimentary advanced reasoning. It is not sophisticated to eat with your fingers and then move on to a fork.

Barack Obama's mentor, Bill Ayers of Chicago, proved that in fomenting a deep state violence for societal change, that it does not require sophistication to attack society with a bomb. It requires meticulous detail though to not blow oneself up. This Austin situation appears single person and not a Weather Underground group.

While this has not been covered, logic would indicate that the first three bombs were pressure switch, meaning like a mine, where the trigger is depressed when the package was set on a porch, and when the package was picked up it activated the detonator. That is basic and it is why the authorities are warning people to not pick up things which are out of place, as these are porch mines.
The Claymore mine which struck the children, was again the same parts which all bombs have, but this device was triggered just like turning on a light.

Whether the  FedEx package was of this process, remains to be discovered, but if it was, then the bomb maker did not build the trigger stout enough for the meat fisted operations of American parcel carriers. The bomb got knocked around enough, and vibrated enough that the trigger was dislodged in process.
There is a reason bomb makers do not throw and kick bombs around.

We can discern from the above that this suspect is naturally disposed to stealth, like a peeping tom, a cat burglar or the Original Night Stalker. There is an ability to get in and out of areas unseen, and even more so with cameras. The FedEx package again is stealth, but there are cameras to record the drop  off, so stealth of one form was sacrificed for leaving evidence.

At this point, the person of interest has shown themselves to be creative, in they are receiving thrills from constructing new devices and new methods. That creativity again points to a female, not a male, as males are vain repetition.

We are learning though the mental processes in the comfort zone of time for the bombings, the spacings of the devices, and now if the FedEx is an evolving situation, the direction the perpetrator is comfortable in driving from their location. It was choice of an hour's drive and not a five hour's drive. There are limits to what they will sacrifice in order to attempt to make the authorities look outside of Austin Texas.

This suspect is in their own world of reasoning and have shown not any inclination to have a relationship with the police nor explain their actions, which is what law enforcement would prefer to gain another vantage point and why the plea for contact.

The first bombs were targets.  The next appear to be experimentation and distraction. That indicates the bomber is not reaching out, but seeking to manipulate the authorities to have the authorities leave this person of interest's "home zone" unattended.

If a celebrity status is developed in this bomber, from police and media attention, then this perpetrator will respond with bigger and more lethal attacks. This is something which should not be instilled in this criminal.  If boredom sets in, this bomber will reduce their signature, and will only act out in stressful situations. It is the Catch 22 in this individual.
Only time will reveal though the correct or incorrect steps being engaged in to capture this criminal.

There is not sophistication in this series of events. There is awareness, creativeness and stealth.

Update as of Tuesday evening, with another reported detonation, at a Goodwill in Austin Texas, one injured with non life threatening injuries.  Except for the children harmed on the 12th, this new series of attacks again are targeting specific people. The Goodwill appears to be a return to the original devices. The forensic psychological assessment is the individual behind this is settling scores on whatever slights they experience. In addition, there is a pattern of this suspect has contact with poor minorities and this group contains individuals which are for some reason, triggering this individual.

Note* After investing in a strategy of changing venue, an event triggered the Goodwill event. There appears to be a more emotional and agitated psychosis now evolving.

Nuff Said. 
