Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Secret Jewish Germ Warfare Genocide Of World War II Against Germans

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I frankly was stunned when I came across this article celebrating the use of germ warfare against Germans by Jews in World War II, not for the barbarity, but for the reality that the American Politico magazine was celebrating this crime, as in hatred of Germans, it is accepted to mass murder Germans and use germ warfare, which protected the communist butcher Stalin, who the majority of Jewry in Europe supported as they were all communists.

The American liberal magazine Slate provides background on the situation in the ghettos of Poland, including missing the reality that there was not enough food all through Europe, so it had already come down to in 1941, either the Germans fed themselves or they fed the Jews, by which the Germans would die of genocide.
That is the cold reality of this and must not be glossed over as Germans coming out of Wilson's World War I, had experienced mass starvation and plague.

The German emperor of Poland ordered that to prevent the spread of the disease, Jews trying to sneak out of the ghetto were to be shot. At a conference of 100 Nazi health officers at a Carpathian spa in October 1941, the issue came to a head with the intervention of Robert Kudicke, who had taken over the Polish Institute of Hygiene from Ludwik Hirszfeld. Speaking “purely academically without making any value judgment,” Kudicke said, “the Jewish population simply breaks out of the ghettos because there is nothing to eat. ... If one wants to prevent that in the future, then one must use the best means for this, namely provide for more sufficient provisioning.” Jost Walbaum, the medical chief for occupied Poland, gave the following retort:
Naturally it would be best and simplest to give the people sufficient provisions, but that cannot be done. This is connected to the food situation and the war situation in general. Thus shooting will be employed when one comes across a Jew outside the ghetto without special permission. One must say it quite openly in this circle, be clear about it. There are only two ways. We sentence the Jews in the ghetto to death by hunger or we shoot them. Even if the end result is the same, the latter is more intimidating. We cannot do otherwise, even if we want to. We have one and only one responsibility, that the German people are not infected and endangered by these parasites. For that any means must be right.

Into this there is the reality  that the ghettos of Poland as was most of eastern Europe, filled with typhus, because the populations were all carrying lice. This is not Jared Kusher in a condo, these were people in slums covered in lice, and the lice was spreading typhus.

The Germans attempted to deal with the epidemic as it was endangering them. When they attempted to delouse the Jews, the Jews would not show up. Instead the Jews tried to escape the ghettos, and being carriers would have spread the disease all through Europe in creating another Black Death. That is the reality in this, no matter if this was Gypsies or Russians, if these diseased plague carriers had gotten out, another Dark Ages would have happened in 1945.
The result was an order went out to shoot the people who tired to get out of the ghetto.  Forcible quarantine was standard in America at the time as were draconian measures.

Into this was the savior of Europe, as all that remained in Europe was Germany being technologically advanced to deal  with this situation. His name was Dr. Joachim Mrugowsky. He was testing typhus vaccines but the British kept targeting and destroying his laboratory.  This was not by accident as in all of Germany, the British were carpet bombing the facility to stop the spread of typhus. British bombers were introducing germ warfare into World War II, but stopping vaccine production, so typhus would spread to epidemic proportions on the Russian Front from Stalin's hordes.
This was by design.

Dr. Joachim Mrugowsky

But the vaccine production plans of Joachim Mrugowsky, the head of the SS Hygiene Institute in Berlin, kept getting delayed. When British bombers destroyed Mrugowsky’s headquarters in 1942, he decided to produce the vaccine at Buchenwald, thinking that allied bombs would not fall there.

Dr. Mrugowsky had decided upon using the French process and vaccine to save Europe from another Dark Ages, and  moved the production to a force labor camp, which the allies never bombed. It was here that one of the most celebrated mass murders in history by leftists  introduced germ warfare against Germans, in Ludwik Fleck, a Jewish biologist employed by the Germans, as they trusted him.

Ludwik Fleck
Thus began one of the most effective but least-known deceptions of World War II, one that is wondrously thick with irony: For 16 months, working under the noses of his clueless Nazi overseers—in particular Ding-Schuler, whom Fleck described as a “ dummkopf”—a Jewish doctor managed to send fake typhus vaccine to the Nazi soldiers at the front, even as he provided the real thing to inoculate his fellow condemned Jews in a concentration camp.

What liberals in their hatred of all Germans overlook, is the fact that the Germans WERE PRODUCING ENOUGH VACCINE for both Germans and Jews. As this requires being stated, the Germans were SAVING the Jews from the plague as it was in their interest to save them. So you understand this, Ludwik Fleck was a mass murderer who doomed thousands of German soldiers to die horrid deaths on the Russian front, which in turn produced a victorious Soviet Union, which caused tens of thousands of dead in later wars for America in Korea, Vietnam, and trillions of dollars in wasted American wealth so that Europe, Russia and America by the 21st century would all be socialist conglomerate states as Hitler's Germany was and envisioned for the world.

Ludwik Fleck is the face of genocide in what he engaged in as a crime against humanity. 150,000 Serbians died of typhus in World War II. The actual statistics on typhus appear to be scrubbed, but one mention of 34 million civilian dead  in World War II, and a mention of 50,000 people dying daily at the peak of the epidemic, makes the creative figures of 6 million dead Jews in Europe (actual combined number of communist Jews and work camp deaths 1.6 million) is nothing compared to what Ludwik Fleck accomplished in he is only second behind Stalin in being the world's greatest mass murderer.

......and this is who the liberal media celebrates.

Nuff Said
